Wednesday, September 28, 2011

שנה טובה
I wish my Jewish readers a happy Rosh Hashana, a good and peaceful year 5772

Jonas rejeté par la baleine, la bible illustré par Gustave Doré.

Ten days after Rosh Hashana it is Yom Kippur. On that day Jews read the book Yonah, about the profet of that name who was assigned the task to warn the inhabitants of Niniveh that their city was on the brink of e d being destroyed. But Yonah fled instead. When the ship on which he traveled ended up in a  heavy storm, Yonah, as the man who had refused to fullfil the task bestowed on him by God, was thrown into the sea in order to save the other people aboard. He was then swallowed by a big fish. But after three days and nights the animalthrew him up - ashore - so that as yet he was able to fulfill what God had asked him to do.
I don't know whether the symbolism is immediately clear to everyone. But I for me hope that this - and coming - years will bring more Yonahs, who conclude that keeping quiet is not an option and that instead they'll have to warn gainst the dire consequences of an ill-boding path.  

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